Loving the cleaner and more organized bedroom these days. Right before Chinese New Year, we tidied up our clothing using the method described in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. In the KonMari method, you take all of one category of belongings and go through every single item to determine whether or not it brings you joy.
The book has been a good resource for staying on track. We were able to get through clothing and books before the new year.
My clothing pile
Part of the donation pile
Loathing allergies. The weather has been incredible in the Bay Area, and with it comes the next round of allergies. Aside from the typical sniffling and sneezing, my skin has been getting pretty irritated lately. Not fun.
View of San Francisco from Berkeley this past weekend
Watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls. I reactivated our Netflix account to watch it from beginning to end. I am still in the first season since I’m not really marathoning it.
Feeling sleepy. I haven’t been getting enough hours each day, and I’m really feeling it.
Planning to sleep more. Also planning on finishing up tidying the house KonMari style. Other than that, no big trips until late April.
Working out. I bought a deal for Pop Physique classes, so I have to use those up before they expire. I also decided to make the move and join ClassPass. Despite this being a new monthly expense, I’m hoping that going to these classes will end up reducing money spent doing other things. I’ll see how a few months go to decide if it actually saves money or if it’s just wishful thinking.
Wishing to see results quickly for all the moving my body is doing. Perhaps one day I will not dislike doing planks as much as I do now. No upper body and core strength makes them so very difficult.
Looking forward to Women’s Travel Fest this weekend!
Fresca smiling for the camera
What are you currently up to?