The shortest month of the year more or less breezed by. Hard to believe we’re just about getting through the first quarter. I tagged fewer photos with the #365infocus project hashtag, but still managed to do a pretty good job of posting daily.

The format changed a bit because for some bizarre reason, the application I was using to download Instagram photos started spitting out files that couldn’t be opened up by Photoshop. I found a work-around through Lightroom, but it takes a few extra steps.

Without further ado, here’s February 2015:

February 2015 in Pictures

Lots of Fresca photos. She’s somehow managed to injure herself, but we haven’t yet found the cause. The spot right above her nose has gotten scraped up. Any close-ups of her now will reveal a missing patch of fur.

Ryan and I enjoyed Valentine’s dinner at our friends’ pop-up in Oakland. We also saw the Keith Haring exhibit at the de Young before it left town.

If you get a chance to see Batkid Begins, I highly recommend it. It’s an uplifting movie that will make your eyes water just a little bit. We were invited to the local screening for participating in a Clever Girls campaign awhile back.

I wrapped up the month by attending the informative and inspirational Women’s Travel Fest over the weekend.

How was your February?